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Torn Asunder Page 16

  "All that damned crap you're spouting doesn't have a chance of an ice cube in Hades in convincing me, but I'll get it out of you." His foot trounced on the accelerator making the car leap like a wild thing into the passing lane, then roar past four cars. "I'll find out what it is."

  Cle opened her eyes. "I won't have to worry about marrying you, will I? You're going to smash us up on the highway."

  "Live or die, Cle, you'll be doing it with me, no one else and if I ever hear of Toner coming near you, I'll take him apart and then destroy his business. I mean it." The growled words had a menace that was frightening.

  "You're not serious," Cle said faintly.

  "Try me, lady. You've pushed me about as -far as I can be pushed. The next time you try to put me in a corner, remember that I'll come out fighting." He roared into the parking place next to their warehouse flat and turned the key. "I think there is something that you have overlooked in our relationship, my dear, Cleora." Dev wrenched the keys from the ignition and turned to face her, sallow rage making his face a frightening mask. "I will kill to keep you, my pet. I mean that. Get out of the car." The whispered words sunk through her flesh like objects dropping through quicksand. She still sat there when Dev came round to her side and opened the door then reached down to lift her two suitcases. He gestured with his head toward the door, then followed her. -

  There was precious little communication between them for the rest of the day. Dev told her he had canceled the dinner with his family scheduled for that evening at the King's Cross. She bristled when he told her that she should retire early since the wedding would be in the morning. She was sure that he would sleep in the other room but he just stared at her coldly when she looked surprised that he would be in her room.

  "I'm just making sure you'll be at your wedding tomorrow." Dev's face had a menacing twist to it but Cle was determined that she would tell him to go to hell if he tried to touch her. When he turned on his side and went to sleep, she wanted to hit him with a shoe.

  The wedding was quite beautiful and even the fact that Jaime had ranted and raved to her over the phone about going through with it didn't mar its beauty. Cle was certain that Jaime was more chagrined about her wearing a creation of Max's than he was about her marrying Dev.

  Her dress was a creamy blue silk sheath that touched the floor. The neck had a narrow vee to her breasts, the points of the opening almost touching her chin. She wore orchids woven in the coronet of her hair and carried one orchid in her hand. The orchids were cream with bluish centers. Max gave her away and Diana was her attendant. Roddy was best man for his brother with Cubby standing as alternate. Lucille sat with Sir Reginald and Aunt

  Margaret and kept handing her tissues.

  The aisle of the small church was short, too short for Cle as she watched Dev turn to look at her as she walked toward him. All that ran through Cle's mind was what Dev had said to her in the car yesterday. "I will kill to keep you."

  She never heard the words the preacher said or Dev's responses or hers. Then she was walking back down the aisle, Dev holding her arm.

  The reception was in a beautiful room overlooking Sydney harbor. There was even a three piece band that played while they ate. The music was soft, dancing music. She and Dev stood to cut the cake and she smiled at the remarks made to her but she couldn't shake the feeling she was walking through a dream. She drank champagne from Dev's glass, a feeling of calm growing inside her so that not even the opaque green of his eyes jarred her.

  When he led her to the floor to dance, she went willingly, feeling serene. Twice she saw Dev's head jerk toward her, but her smile never wavered. Her confidence grew and when the dance tune changed to something faster she pulled back when Dev would have led her from the floor.

  "Shouldn't I have a good time at my wedding?" She smiled at him, her smile widening at his puzzled look.

  "Yes, you should have a good time at your wedding." Dev's eyes narrowed as she reached for him and began gyrating to the faster beat.

  She whirled around him once, laughing. "Don't just stand there. Dance." Cle felt free, her hands lifting in response to the primitive beat, her hips and breasts quivering in rhythm.

  For long seconds her husband watched her, his eyes uncertain. Then he joined her, his body in powerful response to the music and to her.

  Cle laughed in exultant abandon, her steps having a new lightness when Dev joined her, his intricate leading a sensual challenge that she welcomed. He took hold of her, swinging her body free then catching her back close to him, not a beat, not a step missed. Cle sensed the others had backed away and were not dancing but watching how she and Dev danced. With a roll of drums the dance ended and she was caught up in her husband's arms, his mouth going to her still smiling one. At once her own arms encircled his neck, her mouth opening under his, her tongue meeting his.

  When Dev released her, his eyes speared hers, his breathing ragged, his hands still clenching at her waist.

  Cle smiled at the applause, looking round at the people knowing that Dev's eyes were still fastened on her.

  "Wow, sister-in-law, if you and Dev ever run out of money you can always become a dancer." Roddy chuckled as he kissed her cheek. "Now you have to dance with me."

  Cle could feel the reluctance in Dev's releasing grip. "Darling," she cooed, reaching up to kiss him again, her confidence like a cascade over her body. The secret that she held inside giving her abilities she hadn't realized that she had. She whirled away in Roddy's arms, smiling at Sybil as the older woman stared at her.

  Cle danced with everyone, knowing with an almighty sureness that her husband hadn't taken his eyes from her for more than a minute even when he danced with others.

  She was more than willing to feed more cake to her bridegroom so that pictures could be taken and more times than not it was she who acquiesced and kissed her husband on request. As her confidence grew so did the sense that Dev's uncertainties were growing. Her sophisticated husband who handled corporations with aplomb, who was no stranger to high-powered legal battles, who had traveled in the fast lane for most of life, now stuck to her like glue, his face a puzzled mask.

  Cle was sorry to leave the reception, but finally Dev was able to drag her away. She promised Sybil and Tessa that they would come to England and stay at Larren. After all, she informed them airily, it was her home now. She made dates with Cubby and Lucille and Diana and Alistair for when they returned from their honeymoon whenever that might be. She hugged Roddy and told him she was glad to be his sister-in-law.

  Then once more she broke away from Dev and ran back to thank Max for her wedding dress. She was throwing kisses to all when Dev bent down and scooped her up into his arms, making the guests hoot with laughter. Cle could even see smiles on Tessa and Sybil's faces.

  "What in hell is going on?" Dev deposited her on the sidewalk while he unlocked his car.

  "I was enjoying my reception," Cle burbled to him after he had gone around the car and come in beside her. She reached over and let one oval fingernail course down his cheek, liking the sight of the blood running up his neck.

  "I don't know what the hell is going on but I'm damned glad we're staying at the flat tonight. I don't think I could drive very far the way I'm feeling." Dev checked the traffic then let the Ferrari shoot into the traffic. They would be home in minutes.

  "How are you feeling?" Cle crooned, leaning close to him, letting her one finger run down his neck.

  "Cle," Dev said through his teeth, the car slewing around a corner. He almost stood on the brakes twice, his driving was so much more erratic than usual. When he parked the car in front of their place and removed the ignition key, his hand was shaking.

  Cle never felt so unfettered and the slight swing to her hips as she preceded Dev into the elevator was provocative.

  Dev watched her as they rose in the elevator. "If I hadn't been watching what you drank, I'd swear you were tipsy," he muttered, his eyes hot as they roved her body.

  Cle strod
e past him into the lounge when he unlocked the door, feeling him right behind her.

  "Now would you mind telling me..." Dev began.

  Cle whirled, placing her hands on her hips, chin up. "You are in love with me," she stated in solemn tones. "Really and deeply and truly in love with me!"

  Dev's throat worked as red seeped into his face. "That's hardly a state secret."

  "How dare you not tell me such a thing!" She leaned forward, her good humor fading, anger in the thrust of her body. "I mean the love that's forever and beyond. I did not know you loved me like that until today. How dare you not tell me!"

  Dev's eyes widened as he loosened his tie. "I thought I showed you how much in a hundred ways." His voice had a stilted sound as though he had just stepped onto alien soil.

  "Baloney." Cle swallowed, torn between elation and fury as she thought of herself running from him and the possibility of not having him come for her. "You have your nerve, not telling me! Why didn't you just come out and say, 'Cle, I love you.'"

  "Cle, I love you." Dev's voice was low but she was sure the words carried around Australia. "May I ask how you came to realize this at last?" Dev's voice was a rough velvet.

  "While we were being married it suddenly came to me. I should have known before. You should have told me. You wasted all this time and I could punch you for that."

  Dev's laugh made her shiver. "Could you, love? Do you love me?" His voice had a hard richness to it, like satin pulled over iron ore.

  Cle clenched her fists and stamped her foot. "You know I do. You've known forever how I feel about you."

  "You never told me," he pointed out, moving closer, his one hand lifted to her cheek.

  "How could I tell you?" Cle wailed. "You would have laughed at me... maybe."

  "I've loved you since you walked out on that runway, whirled in front of me, and I could see that perfect body underneath. I nearly killed Cecil Torrance because he was looking at you and making remarks. I wanted you so much. It took all my self control not to leap up on that runway with you, pick you up and cart you to my car and take you away." His grin was lopsided, the color in his face deepening. "I wanted to ask you to marry me that night, when I took you home from the club but we had talked and you told me how modern your outlook was. I was afraid that you would laugh at me if I urged you to marry me. Then I planned on convincing you to marry me after we slept together. I loved you so much— and more every day. I hated to leave you and go to the office."

  Cle watched him, lips parted, eyes wide. "I loved you more," she whispered.

  "It's not possible for a person to love anyone more than I love you." Dev's face blurred in her vision as his mouth came down to hers. "You're my life," he said against her lips. "I came to Australia with the express idea of getting you pregnant and making you marry me." Dev nuzzled her neck. "So many times in New York, I was going to throw your pills away and tell you that I didn't want to live together anymore except as man and wife." He lifted his head to look at her. "I was afraid you might tell me to leave."

  "How could I?" Cle said dreamily. "It was your place."

  "Was it?" Dev mumbled, his hand pulling the zipper down the back of her dress. "I felt so married to you that it was as though everything belonged to both of us." Dev lifted his head, swallowing hard. "That's why I hated and still hate Toner. I knew he loved you, that he wanted you. It was all I could do not to kill him. When you left me, I went out of my mind. I told him that I would kill him if he didn't tell me where you were." Dev's hands clenched at her waist. "I had to find you. My life was over without you. I had to make you see that you needed me as much as I needed you."

  "More." Cle leaned on him in lazy contentment as he helped her step out of her panties. She placed her lips on his bare chest, the tickling sensation of the chest hair an erotic delight. "I will never have to leave you, day or night," she bubbled as she pulled his belt from his pants and tossed it in careless fashion.

  Dev carried her into the bedroom, their naked bodies overheating in their need for each other. He placed her on the bed and followed her down. "Reach under your pillow," Dev muttered, his hand having a faint tremor as it traced a path from hip to breast to knee.

  Cle pouted at him, not wanting to interrupt their love play, as she pulled the paper from under the pillow and raised an inquiring eyebrow.

  "It's the deed to this building. You now own this flat. Are you glad?"

  Cle nodded, her eyes filling. "I'll always think that Sydney, Australia, is the most wonderful place in the world no matter where we live." Cle reached for him, letting the paper slide to the floor. "If I am pregnant now, I would be so happy. If it's a boy I want to call him Devon Sydney.. .and all the rest of those names, of course." Cle giggled, wriggling closer to him.

  "Of course," Dev answered, his hands urgent on her body, the power of their need building fast. "If I have you for a thousand years, it would still be two days short of my want," Dev muttered into her ear as he lifted himself over her. The world melted away and they were alone with nothing but their love to sustain them. Nothing and no one could put that asunder.